

Imre Lenart
  • Expert in finance, statistics, and mathematics
  • Over 25 years of experience in academia and finance
  • Specializes in modeling and data analysis

Imre Lenart and Gabor Pete jointly founded their company: Lenart and Pete LLC. In the past 25 years, Imre Lénárt has taught mathematics and statistics, as well as economic and financial analysis and modeling at several domestic and foreign universities. He spent ten years at leading US multinational financial companies (such as MSCI and Morgan Stanley) and at the Central Bank of Hungary as a senior statistical analyst. Gábor Pete has more than 20 years of experience in financial investment, business strategy and stock exchange trading. In the past, he was the lead advisor of several foreign private equity funds. As an excellent couple, the two of them can provide you with the most optimal solutions.

Gabor Pete
  • Over 20 years of financial market experience
  • Expert in stock trading and investment strategy
  • Widespread market insights

How can we help you?

  • Forecasting

Our models can segment your customer base, understand their specific needs, and help you tailor your marketing strategies. We are able to predict customer churn, so you can proactively engage and retain your users. They can also generate personalized product recommendations for customers, increasing sales revenue.
Based on written customer reviews and feedback, our system can identify trends in customer sentiment and analyze them to highlight strengths and weaknesses, even by customer group.

  • Scenario Analysis

By creating and analyzing different scenarios, companies can be prepared to respond effectively to different situations. For example, a company wants to plan its budget for the coming year. Different scenarios can be considered. For example, a no change in supplier prices, a 10% or 20% increase in supplier prices. Or even a decrease, no change or increase in market share. It is also possible to model combinations of these. Based on the analysis, the company can plan its budget accordingly.
Scenario analysis allows you to anticipate and prepare for different possible outcomes. Its real power lies not in modelling the different outcomes of a single event, but in simulating the combined outcomes of two, three or even more events, finding the optimum point(s) that will give you the information you need to make the best decision for your business, avoiding threats and maximizing opportunities.

  • Crisis Management

There may be times when your company underperforms, your share price falls, and you don’t understand what is happening. You can count on us. We will uncover uncertainties, dig deep into your business, diagnose problems, and offer comprehensive solutions. Our goal is not just recovery, but also to get your business back on a growth path.

  • Data Visualization

The most thorough analysis, the most accurate forecast, is not worth much if it is not presented properly. Of course, we can offer you a solution to that too. 
Using data visualization techniques, we can create an interactive dashboard that gives you a comprehensive picture of any aspect of your business. Our algorithms can analyse sales data, calculate trends, patterns, and correlations between different factors; identify specific customer groups and their characteristics; analyse how each department or even individual employees in your company are performing through KPIs. And BI systems present these results to you in a user-friendly way, so you can quickly grasp key insights and make informed decisions.
Our services, backed by state-of-the-art mathematical-statistical and artificial intelligence methods, will help you optimize your business processes, understand and prepare for various future opportunities and threats, detect market needs and trends so that you are never caught by surprise and your business performs at its best.
Choosing Lenart and Pete LLC means choosing a partnership that is committed to your success. We are not just good at what we do; we are the best. With us on your side, your business is not only ready to succeed, but also destined to succeed. Join us and let's shape the future of your business together


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