Terms and Conditions & Privacy Statement

( applicable from: Nov. 11th, 2021. )

1. Introduction
The operator of www.lenarteducation.com - hereinafter: Website - Imre Lénárt (Headquarters: 203-209 A321, Dorozsmai utca 1142 Budapest, Hungary. hereinafter: Data Controller), as the Data Controller, describes the principles of data management by publishing this Privacy Statement and the Data Management Information (hereinafter: the Privacy Statement), which the Data Controller acknowledges to be binding on him / her. The Data Controller shall take all measures reasonably required of him / her for the security of the personal data processed by him / her. Before using our Website, please read this Privacy Statement, which explains how we handle your personal information! In the Privacy Statement, the Data Controller shall clearly and in detail inform the data subjects of all important facts related to the processing of the data.
Before starting the data processing, we inform you that the data processing is always based on the consent of the data subject. By registering on the Website, using the Website, placing your order, and subscribing to our newsletter, you, as the User, expressly consent to the Data Controller's handling of your personal data within the framework of this Privacy Statement in accordance with applicable Hungarian law and to the extent set forth herein in a different way and for a continuous period.

2. Definitions
Legislation in force containing the rules for the handling of their personal data: 2011 CXII. Act on the Right to Self-Determination of Information and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: the Information Act).
The terms used in this Privacy Statement have the meaning set forth in 2011 CXII. Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the processing of personal data of natural persons (GDPR), considering the “Interpretative Provisions” set out in Section 3 of

  1. personal data: data which can be contacted with the data subject, in particular his or her name, identification mark and knowledge of one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identities, and the inference that can be drawn from the data;
  2. data subject: any natural person identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, by personal data;
  3. data controller: any natural or legal person, or any entity without legal personality, who, alone or in association with others, determines the purposes for which the data are processed, including the means used to process the data (including the means used) or executes them with the processor;
  4. data management: any operation or set of operations on data, irrespective of the procedure used, including in particular the collection, recording, recording, systematization, storage, modification, use, interrogation, disclosure, coordination or aggregation, blocking, erasure and destruction of data; , and to prevent further use of the data, the taking of photographs, sound or images and the recording of physical characteristics capable of identifying the person (e.g. fingerprint or palm print, DNA sample, iris image);
  5. data erasure: making the data unrecognizable in such a way that it is no longer possible to recover it;
  6. data processing: the performance of technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and means used to perform the operations and the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data;
  7. data set: the totality of the data managed in one register;
  8. third party: any natural or legal person, or any entity without legal personality, other than the data subject, the controller or the processor;
  9. information society service: service provided electronically to persons in absentia, normally for remuneration, to which the recipient of the service has individual access;
  10. electronic commerce service: any information society service for the purpose of taking possession of a movable item, including money and securities and the use of natural resources, as a service, real estate, property right (hereinafter collectively referred to as "goods”) for sale, purchase, exchange or otherwise.

3. Range of users
The User is both a natural person registered on the Site and an unregistered natural person who uses the services of the Website, places an order and is identified or - directly or indirectly - identifiable on the basis of any specific personal data.

4. Scope of personal data processed
The personal data processed by the Data Controller includes the following:

  • Name (Surname, First name, Company name)
  • Email address

The Data Controller is not responsible for the authenticity of the personal data processed! The User is solely responsible for the personal data provided.

5. Newsletter
We will only send a newsletter to a natural person as the recipient of our newsletter by electronic mail or other equivalent means of individual communication if the recipient of the newsletter has given his or her explicit and explicit prior consent and subscribed to the newsletter.
Scope of the managed data: The following data of the User who has voluntarily subscribed to the newsletter based on his / her express consent are handled by the Data Controller: Name (Last name, First name, Company name), E-mail address.
Purpose of use: Sending an e-mail with marketing content (newsletter) electronically to Users who have voluntarily subscribed to the newsletter with express consent; Informing Users about current events, offers, promotions for marketing purposes.
Duration of data management: The Data Controller manages the personal data of the user who has voluntarily subscribed to the newsletter until the withdrawal of the user's consent, failing which for 10 years from the collection of the data.
Withdrawal Statement: We inform you that the statement of consent may be withdrawn at any time, without restriction or justification, free of charge. In this case, the name of the declarant and all other personal data will be deleted and we will no longer send you a newsletter.
We provide the opportunity to make a withdrawal statement both by mail and by e-mail so that the person making the statement can be clearly identified.
You may withdraw your consent at any time, free of charge, in writing in the following ways:

  • Email: imre.lenart@lenarteducation.com
  • By post: Imre Lénárt, 203-209 A321, Dorozsmai utca 1142 Budapest, Hungary

The Data Controller keeps a register of the personal data of the Users who have voluntarily subscribed to the newsletter with the express consent. The data contained in this register relating to the recipient of the advertisement may be processed only in accordance with the statement of consent until it is withdrawn and may be disclosed to third parties only with the prior consent of the person concerned.
The Data Controller shall process the personal data recorded by him / her only in accordance with the contents of the consent statement and may only transfer them to third parties with the prior consent of the data subject.

6. Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data
Data management purposes:
The purpose of data management is to enable the use of the services provided by the Data Controller by the Users and the fulfillment of the data by the Data Controller, to monitor the sale of products, to identify the User and to allow the User to receive information about his order. The use of the services of the Website is subject to registration and the provision of personal data. By using the service and registering on the Website, the User expressly consents to the processing of the personal data of the Data Controller. The User voluntarily makes his / her personal data available to the Data Controller in the knowledge of this Privacy Statement.
Legal basis and method of data management:
The recording and processing of personal data during registration on the Website and through the use of the service is based on the voluntary consent of the User. The User gives this consent by placing an order on the Website and registering. If the User makes the personal data of a third, natural person available during the use of the service, he / she guarantees that the data subject has lawfully obtained the consent of the data subject to the processing of the personal data made available. The User acknowledges that the Data Controller, unless otherwise provided by law, fulfills the legal obligation or to enforce the legitimate interest of the Data Controller or a third party, if the enforcement of this interest is proportionate to the restriction of the right to protection of personal data. without consent and after the withdrawal of the data subject's consent.

7. Person authorized to handle and process data
The person entitled to handle and process personal data is Imre Lénárt (Headquarters: 203-209 A321, Dorozsmai utca 1142 Budapest, Hungary) as Data Controller. The personal data to be processed may be disclosed to the current legal representative (s), employees / agents / contributors of the Data Controller. The controller shall not transfer personal data to third parties unless the data subject has given his or her express consent.

8. Duration of Data Management
The Data Controller handles the personal data provided on the basis of the User's consent until the purpose of data processing is achieved or the User's consent is revoked. The Data Controller manages the personal data provided during the User's registration until the use of the Website is terminated, in particular until the registration is canceled.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the Data Controller a) for the purpose of fulfilling its legal obligation, or b) for enforcing the legitimate interest of the Data Controller or a third party, if the enforcing of such interest is proportionate to the restriction of personal data protection without further consent, and after the withdrawal of the data subject's consent. (Section 6 (5) of Act CXII of 2011)
In order to fulfill the accounting obligations, the Data Controller has provided the personal data provided by the User for 8 years pursuant to Section 169 of Act C of 2000, and pursuant to Section XCII of 2003 on the Taxation System retained and managed within the statutory limitation period.

9. "Cookies"
Our website serves the personalized service of the User and you may use "cookies" for convenience. If you use "cookies", when you visit the Website, the time of the visit, the data of the User's browser, the IP address used and the language settings will be logged. This data is not linked by the Data Controller to other personal data, they are for statistical purposes only.

10. Users' rights regarding the processing of personal data, enforcement and redress options
The User has the opportunity to request information about the handling of his / her personal data from the Data Controller, in addition, the User may request the correction of his / her personal data and the deletion or blocking of his / her personal data. The User is entitled to request information about the personal data processed by the Data Controller in writing at any time in writing, at the contact details indicated by the Data Controller in this Privacy Statement, and to request their modification at any time. The Data Controller shall provide the requested information within a maximum of 30 days from the submission of the request.
If the User requests it in writing, the Data Controller shall provide him / her with information about the data processed by the User by the Data Controller or, if any, processed by the data processor entrusted by him / her or at his / her disposal.
In addition, upon request, the Data Controller shall provide written information on the source of personal data processed by him, the purpose, legal basis, duration of the data processing, the name, address, and activities related to data processing, the circumstances, effects and measures taken to prevent the data protection incident, and, in the case of transfers of personal data of the data subject, the legal basis and the recipient of the transfer.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the case of a request received by post, the Data Controller has the opportunity to send a reply to the User in writing by post, if the User indicates his postal address in his request. The information referred to in paragraph 4 shall be free of charge if the person requesting the information has not yet submitted a request for information to the data controller concerning the same data set in the current year. In other cases, reimbursement may be established. The amount of the reimbursement may also be specified in the contract concluded between the parties. Reimbursement of costs already paid shall be reimbursed if the data have been processed unlawfully or if a request for information has led to a correction.
The User is also entitled to request the deletion of his data by means of a written request addressed to the Data Controller at the contact details of the Data Controller provided below. The user is entitled to request information, modification or deletion at the following contacts:
Email: imre.lenart@lenarteducation.com
Postal address: Lénárt Imre, 203-209 A321, Dorozsmai utca 1142 Budapest, Hungary
The User has the right at any time to request the correction or deletion of incorrect, changed or incorrectly recorded data. The Data Controller shall delete or amend the data indicated by the User within a reasonable time after the receipt of the request, but no later than within 30 days from the receipt of the request. We would like to inform you that the deletion does not apply to the data processing required by law (eg accounting regulations), the Data Controller is obliged to keep them for the required period of time specified by law.

Instead of erasure, the controller shall block the personal data if the data subject so requests or if, on the basis of the information available to him or her, it is presumed that the erasure would harm the data subject's legitimate interests. Personal data blocked in this way may only be processed for as long as the purpose of the data processing, which precluded the deletion of personal data, exists.
If the User feels that his / her rights related to the processing of personal data may have been violated, please notify us in writing at the contact details of the Data Controller provided above!
In the event of a violation of the law related to the processing of personal data, the User shall comply with the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information. Pursuant to the Act, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (NAIH) (Address of the Authority: 22 / C, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor, 1125 Budapest, Hungary; Mailing address: 1530 Budapest, PO Box: 5.) may ultimately assert its rights before a court. The tribunal has jurisdiction to sue.

11. Compliance with Laws
During the preparation of this Privacy Statement, as well as when handling the personal data of the Users, the Data Controller shall act in full compliance with the Hungarian legislation in force at any time and in compliance with the relevant EU standards.
The Data Controller shall pay particular attention to the provisions of the following legal regulations when processing data:

  • Act of CXII. 2011 on the Right to Self-Determination of Information and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: the Information Act)
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and services related to the information society (mainly Section 13 / A)
  • Act XLVII. of 2008 on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices for Consumers;
  • Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain restrictions of commercial advertising (especially § 6)
  • Act XC of 2005 Electronic Freedom of Information Act
  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (specifically § 155)
  • 16/2011. Opinion on the EASA / IAB Recommendation on Best Practices for Behavioral Online Advertising